#this is just me having way too much aquarius in my fucking chart
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gummy-sharks666 · 1 year ago
Dawg I’m so fucking annoying bc like I want a relationship but I also don’t want a relationship bc I fear commitment but I also can’t figure out if I want a bf or if hooking up would just be better or like fwb type thing but I also want a bf to like know every part of me as a person but I’m too afraid of letting anyone in that far so I think instead I’ll just ignore all of these feelings and keep bottling them up until I explode
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astrobydalia · 2 years ago
more observations (lost count)✨
Hello guys! Life's been crazy lately and I barely have time to make any of the master posts I wanted to, so you'll be getting lost of observation posts that I've been collecting in my drafts for the past months. As always, enjoy!
❗️long post
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work by astrobydalia
✨ Sagittarius and Aquarius are so fucking similar. Both of them are chaotic af, love their freedom and think they're smarter than everyone else. People who have both of these in their big 6 have the most unhinged
✨ Libra is WAY more obsessed with perfection than Virgo
✨ Whenever I had Libra or Taurus ASC on my Solar return chart I was lazy AS FUCK. I had no motivation to work whatsoever during those years, all I wanted to do was vibe and enjoy life. I also felt very relaxed and stress-free, when difficulties came I just went with the flow
✨ What is up with Gemini risings and always feeling intellectually insecure all the time? Literally their #1 insecurity is feeling like they are dumb or like they’re not good enough for highly abstract and intellectual tasks/professions. They come across as someone immature who lacks wisdom or has a superficial/simplistic view of things. I feel like this is because they attract people who are a bit of know-it-alls (Sagittarius DSC) and they have a reputation for being scattered-brained (Pisces 10th house) so people tent to infantilize them a lot.
^^^But let me tell you this not true at all, Gemini risings are some of the most brilliant people I’ve met with so much potential. Their problem is that they allow overthinking to get the best of them and end up doubting themselves 24/7. These are the type of people who have amazing ideas but they never pursue any them. They really struggle making decisions for themselves, they always need to ask for opinions first which is not a bad thing but this makes them come across as incapable or as someone who lacks self-sufficiency
✨ Mercurial signs (Virgo and Gemini) like to focus on concrete things and immediate reality, they process life by connecting one thing at a time and taking info as it comes, they focus on what's going on around them cause Mercury is all about multiplicity and details. With Jupiter signs on the other hand (Sag and Pisces) one thing about them is they don't care about details as long as things make sense as a whole, they see life from a more broad and general perspective, they prefer having a birds eye view of things because Jupiter is all about expansion and therefore it likes to encompass many things at once. This is why Virgo and Gemini rule mundane life themes and immediate reality while Sag and Pisces are more about general life lessons and higher knowledge
✨ Scorpio moons/8th house moons are the definition of an energy vampire fr. They just have a really poor understanding of healthy emotional boundaries, they expect you to give your all but aren't willing to reciprocate and always turn everything into a manipulation or mind game somehow which makes it pretty exhausting to be around them in the long run. Don't get me wrong, most of the ones I’ve met were very and good people but they always end up taking my energy away and make me feel emotionally burnt out
✨ Mercury-Mars aspects have this "it is what it is" mentality and really dislike over complicating things by reading too deep into them. They tend to think things exactly as they seem. This does not mean they're simplistic, on the contrary this makes them surprisingly insightful fast thinkers and are not the type to be easily fooled
✨ I've seen people saying that hard aspects between Mercury-Pluto makes people misunderstand your words. This is not true, this happens with Neptune cause Neptune rules delusion, but Pluto is a very blunt and straightforward planet cause it's all about revealing the dark truths. Mercury-Pluto aspects makes someone very deliberate with their words and they know exactly what to say to make their message stick. You will understand their words exactly how they want you to understand them. What happens with hard aspects is that the native tends to have a more provocative approach in the things they say, they don't care if you're offended by what they say as long as what they say makes an impact. People can misunderstand their intentions because of this, but not their words
✨ The ironic thing about Aquarius placements is that they are very good when it comes to connecting with the masses, the public usually feels very drawn to them because they're very good at appealing to collective values which makes them come across as relatable to many people as a result. However, when you actually try to relate to them or connect one-on-one, you will find yourself with someone that is surprisingly elusive, distant and more distrustful than Scorpio placements which is a huge contrast from the welcoming vibe they give off to the public. I've found that the only way you will get close to an Aquarius placements is on THEIR terms lmao, if they've decided they like you, it'll be them who will approach you and/or make the effort to engage with you
✨ A reocurring thing I've seen with Virgo placements is that they really dislike big changes and prefer to stay in control. I think this is not mentioned often cause it's kinda weird to say that about a mutable sign, but Virgos being mercury+earth ruled they feel comfortable relying on facts, data, observations, etc and they use all this tangible info to navigate reality, that's why they rule daily life and routines because they invest a lot of their energy on factually understanding and categorizing their reality (earth signs in general are very attached to the tangible). Their mutable nature shows in that they easily use their knowledge to adapt, find solutions and fix what’s wrong but when they are in situations where these "categories" prove to be useless (aka Pisces themes), they get very triggered cause that means they no longer have control of their reality
✨ That being said another reoccurring thing I’ve noticed with Virgo placements is that they love to predict things. But not in a mystical sense it’s more like they enjoy understanding things in such way that they’re able to easily put a label on them and easily predict what’s going on or how something works
✨ I have not seen a single Taurus placement who didn’t have the most insanely sexy and pleasant voice ever. Doesn’t matter if they sing of not, just hearing their voice is so delightful
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✨ Aquarius Mercury really believe their opinions are the most ultimate and correct opinions out there. They are certain that their judgment is always 100% objective (aka always true) so in their mind if you slightly disagree with them that means you’re mediocre, dumb or narrow-minded.
✨ There's always a duality in all mutable signs. Sagittarius can be very humorous and optimistic but also very dark and profound. Gemini can be curious and chaotic but also very analytical and logical. Virgo can be picky and perfectionistic but also very permissive and conformist. Pisces can be very compassionate and wise but also very detached and clueless
✨ Neptune does not do well in air houses/signs at all simply because air energy rules (different types of) information and connections, while Neptune is all delusion and confusion. Also air energy is purely cerebral and rational while Neptune appeals to the unconscious
✨ I have not fact-checked this but I feel like it's safe to say that Mars rules testosterone. Testosterone is a hormone associated to violence or impulsive behavior, sex drive, red blood cells (blood), masculinity, etc That's literally all mars
✨ People always talk about how Capricorn moons have had a rough life but I've noticed this is also very true for Sagittarius Moons?? Responsibilities are not imposed on them like Capricorn, in their case they have to build up wisdom about life through pure and raw experience without anyone giving them a heads up or any pointers first, that's why they grow up feeling like they're fully on their own. Things work out for them at the end but they always have most MESSY life experience it's really crazy
✨ Both domicile and afflicted Mars are ambitious and determined but the main difference is that Libra/Taurus/Cancer Mars need to find some type of enjoyment or fulfillment in their goals in order to get motivated while Capricorn/Aries/Scorpio Mars find motivation in the challenge and endure through stuff they don't find pleasant
✨ From what I've seen males with Scorpio placements are very superficial and will gaslight as a lifestyle. They are the type of people who look the other way or brush things off or never takes anything seriously and I've noticed they do this so they never have to take accountability.
✨ Neptune/Pisces energy either gives “glamorous and ethereal” vibes or “weird in an extremely cringe way” vibes, there’s no in-between
✨ A reoccurring thing I've noticed with those who have Chiron in Taurus/2nd house or Chiron-Venus is that they often have dubious morality or double standards because they don't have a solid values
✨ Every single Libra Moon/rising female I’ve met embodied the material girl stereotype. They really have this “instagram girl” vibes to them if that makes sense
✨ Those with Sagittarius in the 5th house can actually find a lot of joy and happiness in becoming parents or they have a lot of fun with children
✨ Scorpio Mars can't stand not knowing what's going on around them and at first I thought this was bc they were suspicious/paranoid but then I realized it’s because they’re just controlling as shit. They come across as very chill and care fee but they’re actually SUPER controlling dude. Even when they know for sure that they can trust you and you’re doing nothing wrong they still want to keep taps on you and won’t leave you alone. They won't bluntly violate your privacy but will still find ways to always know what you're up to
✨ The resentful and spiteful stereotype associated to Scorpio actually belongs to Leo placements imo. They can be very reactive and childish when you insult their ego and will make it very known that they won't let it go
✨ Cancer North Node people always have some sort of issue or inner conflict with of having kids. They feel drawn to the idea of becoming a parent but deep down they low-key don't? I've also seen many women with this placement who had fertility issues
I have the theory that these natives are conflicted in this topic because they see family as an achievement or a societal expectation (Capricorn south node) so in this life time they have to know what it's like to desire a family for the right reasons and not because they feel like they 'should'
✨ Capricorn risings really are hyper-aware of their public image and how others perceive them. That's why they always end up becoming very popular and respected, cause they know very well where they "stand" publicly so they know how to successfully curate their own reputation. It's not surprising to see this placement a lot in celebrities
✨ Pluto in the 12th house are genuinely unsure of who they can trust which leads to a lot of paranoia and projection. The type to ignore the most obvious red flags but then automatically doubt your loyalty cus you spoke in a suspicious tone
✨ Pisces/12th house placements 🤝 disappearing. Y’all shit on Gemini for ghosting but have you ever met a pisces/12th houser?
✨ Saturn in 5th house people had parents (namely father) who were overly critical of them and their self-expression. Doesn’t necessarily mean they were unsupportive of the native but they were quite hard on the native’s creativity
✨ I've seen a lot of bullies/mean girls have Aquarius placements. Honorable mentions: virgo, Leo, libra
✨ Neptune-ASC people are really good at making themselves invisible when they want and/or making parts of themselves go completely unnoticed even if they're bluntly obvious. I've noticed they actually get away with a lot cause they have this tendency to not be accurately seen by others if that makes sense
✨ Neurodivergent individuals usually have Mercury harshly aspecting (conjunction, square, opposition and inconjuction) Uranus and Saturn. Said Mercury is more often than not in a water house/sign/degree or in Aries. Of course not everyone with these aspects will be neurodivergent, but it's just a pattern I've seen
✨ Pluto-ASC people most of the times fail to have a lighthearted view towards life. They always want to look beyond the surface of things which doesn't really allow them to enjoy life as it is. They often get a reputation for looking too deep into everything and in turn the Pluto-asc native often sees others as superficial
✨ Virgo risings are huge conformist and won’t go after anything that’s outside their immediate boundaries. They only make an effort towards things that are accessible and will quickly lose interest in anything that has difficult availability or requires them to go way out of their comfort zone. They're overall pretty self-serving.
✨ I know several people diagnosed with OCD. All of them have Virgo AND 6th house placements, 22º in their big 3, Scorpio Mercury/Moon and Mercury dominance
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work by astrobydalia
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omghallucinations · 6 months ago
Bang Chan Chart Analysis: in the weeds edition
chart patterns, degrees, fixed stars, aspects, final dispositors, basically all kind of deeper cuts.
ah, bang chan: a double libra gemini rising whose other planets are acting up so much i barely even touched on venus and mercury somehow
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like he's clearly an air sign in every respect--he loooOOOves to talk, he's curious and interested in a lot of different things, he's never met a secret he doesn't want to immediately tell five hundred thousand people on live... but damn some of those other planets (saturn, mars, jupiter, uranus) are loud.
right away i noticed his chart is a bucket chart--every planet is in one half of the circle, except for one planet who becomes the "handle": his aries saturn. saturn is hammering all the other planets on the head so to speak.
saturn: you'll have to come through me motherfuckers
saturn is screaming it's ME i'm the BIG BOSS and as the handle, a lot of things in chan's life are gonna be based on or deal with--for better or worse--saturn stuff (maturation, fear, control, authority, judgment). chan's saturn automatically rockets to the top of his Big Boss list (it will not stay here tho, we've got some other bosses coming).
saturn is in its fall in aries--it doesn't speak the language there. any planet in its fall is usually marked down in influence but i also think it makes the planet more important? chan has to struggle with it. a saturn at home in capricorn (barring other chart factors) is very natural. 8/9 members of girls generation have saturn in capricorn and wow does that make sense. saturn in capricorn prizes Work and is self-conscious/guilty of its feelings (feelings are not productive), it's alllways anxious it hasn't done enough, it is very scared of disappointing people, it's deeply conscious of societal conditioning.
aries is a weird sign for saturn to be in. saturn has a lot of fear, and aries has a lot of fearlessness. aries is a baby and saturn is all about maturation. aries is about acting without thinking, saturn is about making a list and checking it 5 times then deciding not to do it just in case.
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and then. this is fun. saturn goes on the big boss list again because it is unaspected--this doesn't mean there aren't aspects, it means there are no major aspects to other planets. when a planet is unaspected, everyone around you can sure as fuck see the hell out of it, but you can't really. it's center stage but not in the play.
bang chan: i am the cutest, fuzziest lil libra guy :) i just care about my work which is normal :) and i express that care in a very reasonable and chill way :) i just want things to be good! :) everyone around him, shaking in fear from his scathing judgment and innate leadership aura: uh-huh
an unaspected planet is usually a generational thing--chan really popped up like hey girl :) i'm here to really personify our family problems of work, judgement, fear and maturation and just like. make 'em huge and unavoidable. haha. :)
chan's gonna show real extremes of behavior around his saturn, which
in aries seems like it's dealing with issues of creation, self-determination, doing it on my own, that kind of stuff (so he'll deny himself or assert himself too much in turns)
in the 11th house backs that up--the 11th is the aquarius house, so saturn is in aries (a "me" sign) in a "we" (in a sort of detached intellectual sense) house
11th/aquarius usually wants to set u free :) but in a kind of back-handed passy aggy harry styles way, like "i love you so i'll set you free, because i am such an open-minded person, unlike other people (who are tethered to humanity which is both embarrassing and scary to me yuck), also setting you free is less terrifying to me than being perceived :) go with god :) bye :)"
it's in the sun decan, so there's a flavor of "look at me look at me" and identity formation (am i what i produce?)
saturn's most exact aspect is sesquisquare mars which acts a lot like a square, my favorite aspect! squares get such a bad rap but i think they're so much better for your life in the long run bc they force you to deal with things. his mars is in sagittarius, so we have a double fire sign situation: explosive, passionate, loves attention and creation. mars, who also gets a bad rap, is our survival planet. it's like, how are you gonna survive this. how are you gonna get what you want and defend yourself and win (if you care about winning) (chan cares about winning).
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sagittarius mars is gonna go forward kind of joyfully but also in a "fuck you lmao" way. it's courageous bc it doesn't really think anything could go actually wrong. it's gonna Leave if it's bored (and it's already bored). it's gonna wide-angle zoom on the situation and be like "lol embarrassing... for you" and feel 100% sure it's right All The Time. sesquisquare saturn tries to control this force, adds a bunch of fear and repression and Issues (and often in later life, wisdom), so -> chan's gonna really be afraid of his own anger, of losing control of his temper -> ironically he will be unable to stop bouncing between these two extremes to various degrees. u can't control what u can't accept my dude. -> he's also afraid of not being in power, of not winning -> the me/we extreme will also come into play--especially with his sun and moon in libra (that's their whole Thing) sagittarius says "i'm right for objective, philosophical reasons" and aries says "i'm right because i just am bro i don't have to explain myself to you" mars in the 6th house--that drive to assert himself is gonna really go hard at work and in his daily life. this is a #gymbro placement for sure. his daily routine is Let's Fuckin Go At 150% -> his 11th house (where saturn is), loves the idea of people, community, his ideals, is detached from humanity and it comes into conflict with -> his 6th house, which is very much of the world, very critical, very let's get actual shit done and be of service to people sidebar, mars is exactly conjunct the asteroid quaoar-- creation, making new rules and structures, diverging from how things Have Always Been Done, please hold this thought for his uranus, coming up soon
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libra moon at 29 degrees: heard u were desperately trying to maintain equilibrium for emotional security reasons lol
another planet i'm eyeing is his libra moon which is in the anaretic degree, 29. he's very good at this energy but it's gonna test him. with his libra moon he needs contact and dialogue with people to feel secure but it can't get too deep because that's gonna freak him out. he is super comfortable being vulnerable and emotional on the internet because the internet is not real. i mean it's real, but it doesn't feel real. it's the equivalent of over-intellecualising your feelings so you don't actually feel anything (which an air moon always enjoys, as a hobby). just like it's way easier and less scary to be in love with an idea of a person, rather than the actual person! the actual person can really fuck up ur moodboard!
chan needs things to be pretty, equal, even-keeled. libra is such a funny sign because often it gets flattened to this like "cutey pie flirt" stereotype which i would say is almost exclusively libra venus. libra is a cardinal sign--an acting, initiating sign--and can be a lot more controlling than it likes to pretend imo. it's also in his sixth house--he's gonna feel safe when he can be of service to others, when he can get things done, when he can edit shit, basically.
he's also a new moon baby, which gives a moon a fun, aries-y, baby-tries-(food)-for-the-first-time vibe. removes a lot of those libra inhibitions and adds a lot of need to feel special.
chan is so good at making sure he feels safe by trying to keep everything cute and not too deep and staying on the surface or removed from the situation through constant activity and like, pruning everything, trying to perfect everything (therefore not having to actually deal with anything). howmstever, this system is gonna repeatedly implode throughout his life. soz bud. his emotional foundation's gonna get pummeled on and off which sucks because he has an almost manic need
for emotional safety through strategic diplomacy and avoiding confrontation
for emotional safety through constant work and "perfecting" everything
for people to like him everyone needs to like him or he will die
(not the real him, that makes him nervous, the projection of him that he painstakingly curates, that is safer)
it's not especially fun to deal with.
bright side, wisdom in later life!
mercury, ruler of chan's ascendant: pretty much exactly what you'd expect?
as a gemini rising, chan's ruler is his mercury in libra in the 5th but ironically i don't feel like she's as major of a player as some of these other planets. you can see the communication and curiosity focus of his life, and in the 5th house of self-expression, creation. mercury is sextile mars and pluto, a talent for making his voice heard and powerful, trine uranus in the 9th he's confident about and believes in his unique voice/perspective.
like mercury is there and she's important, but she's not like. causing big waves? it's like his life direction, again, important, but i'm more intrigued by...
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mars conjunct pluto opposite his ascendant: oh boy!
this is his one big opposition and it's on the gemini-sagittarius axis (my fave, she's just fun and curious, she's not super dramatic or that difficult although she doesn't exactly make it easy to make... decisions... or get anything done?). however if we were worried about getting shit done, mars and pluto are here to scream. mars conjunct pluto is exactly as dramatic as sagittarius-gemini is not.
this is an exact conjunction and it's wild. anything pluto touches blows up in a way. it makes it intense and secretive and adds the planet to its portfolio of unconscious past life soul security demands.
lmao i just realized that red lights is fully this conjunction lmao oh no. i don't know if i can talk about this conjunction normally. it's very... ... nsfw.
sometimes pluto conjunct mars forces mars into the background and makes the person afraid to assert themselves, but i don't think that's exactly the vibe here, although it's similar. it looks to me like chan has a lot of rage and anger in him that, with his libra placements, he probably has a very difficult time acknowledging or facing. he'll easily internalize it and turn it inward and be a real asshole to himself, and also his temper will flare up randomly and he'll go for the kill shot when he meant to communicate like a normal person. he has a lot of strong desires, he also wants power, but he's gonna hide it and run from the reality there. he does have almost inhuman will, courage and drive tho, he can truly endure anything.
(idk i think he should be a little worried about his physical body, so many of his coping mechanisms depend on exercise/endurance and with pluto--transformation, security--in the sixth house i worry his health might force transformation? ur body can't carry all of ur unspoken shit my bud?)
gemini rising wants to seem very fun, very friendly, very cute, but with mars and pluto on his descendant chan is almost hiding or ignoring a huge part of himself--all those darker impulses which aren't going anywhere. my guy loves a taboo and (redacted redacted redacted redacted REDACTEDDDD). whatever, it's good for creativity and in sagittarius he has a good sense of humor about it.
jupiter: uno reverso???
damn chan really got #blessed here, a lot of that chart was really screaming Issues, Internalized Rage, Fear, Depression, etc, but jupiter really bounced up to be like "never mind haha. i mean yeah, true, but also whatever"
first of all jupiter is in its home house, the 9th--chan's on a Journey, he's eat pray loving, he's Listening and Learning--and it's in aquarius, so that belief system and personal philosophy is gonna be very open-minded, very science fiction, very predicting trends, very ahead of society.
jupiter conjunct his MC: this is what pulls jupiter up to the big boss list. anything conjunct your MC is at the top of your chart--people see it. people notice it about you. and goddamn are people just gonna give him stuff. and they always have. no wonder jyp was like This Is My Special Boy, like that is jupiter conjunct MC to a t.
(the public perception of chan is also gonna be a lot... cuter and more exuberant and fun than the actual man. not that he's not those things. just that the jupiter of his personality is really what people are noticing about him from the outside: his personal vision, his expansive side, all that. they are not looking at that prominent saturn as much, even if saturn is a bigger player)
jupiter trine the sun: another one where people are just gonna like you. for one thing they'll notice chan's good intentions and generosity--altho they will also notice his tendency to moralise and be a liiiiittle condescending--but his tendency towards bouncy optimism (at least outwardly) makes people want to follow him aquarius jupiter trine libra sun: two "we" signs in a big way, except aquarius is "we" like "humanity" and libra is "we" like "you and me", but they unite in a tendency to conflate the personal identity with the group identity--with jupiter and the sun at play it's like chan is able to bring people on board with his identity and personal vision (but he often presents an idealised version of himself who does not have needs, somehow) 9th house trine 5th house: basically a repeat of jupiter-sun, since the 5th house is the leo house--chan has a talent for using his personal philosophy/vision in creative works
our final big boss of the night, perhaps the ultimate big boss: aquarius uranus
chan's aquarius uranus is really talking to everybody. it has by far the most aspects of any planet. uranus has its hand in his ascendant and every planet except jupiter and neptune. with modern rulers aquarius is at home in uranus, and i'm coming around a little bit on modern rulership even if i think it tends to be less prominent than traditional. still:
aquarius uranus: original thought, technological progress, your box is dumb i'm not going in there uranus in the 9th house: he's gonna have an offbeat belief system--no chance he buys into korea's societal norms, or anyone's societal norms for that matter. he's not a conformist. trine his gemini ascendant: whooooo boy he is really not a conformist. when he's not in a Mood he's not judgmental at all, even when he's in a mood he has a real benevolent Ah, Humanity Should All Be Free to Pursue Happiness vibe. gemini couldn't give a shit about morals, and uranus and aquarius think morals are bourgeois. he has a talent for his own difference--some uranus people (like most of ateez, my weirdo darlings) have chips on their shoulders about being different, but chan with his easy trine is just happy to be himself. i mean a trine uranus isn't gonna change the world (unlike harder aspects like squares, who would be more driven to do so) but he is gonna set a good example just through his identity.
this is a fun side of chan! i like this!
square moon: mmmm ok about that chip on his shoulder. although it's not really about being different--it's more about he both wants to be stable and emotionally secure and also free and independent and he's soooooooo fucking stubborn (but he doesn't see it that way because he's Right, not stubborn). he's prone to feeling really itchy and stuck and then making big changes out of nowhere. also he's very intuitive but overly sensitive and when he's hurt he's gonna shut down completely and not tell the person what they did wrong. didn't he give someone the silent treatment? jisung? yeah that's uranus square moon energy. he has a lot of fear around his emotions and only lets himself feel in short sharp bursts. he feels hurt and he cuts out the person immediately without warning to protect himself--even if it's completely illogical he will dupe himself into believing it is very logical and correct, actually libra moon square aquarius uranus: yeah this looks like a "keep the peace even if it is unhealthy" v. "radical change out of nowhere the tower ass" argument, he'll bounce between the two extremes again. heyyy gemini rising i didn't even see u there!!
man. really haven't gotten into everything including his sun in libra (in its fall), his nodes (classic idol 5th-11th axis, soooo many of them have this), etc, but i've been working on this for so long!! aughhH!!
ok drumroll please, let's gather up his chart big players!! normally i would rank these, but i keep changing my mind.
aquarius uranus
aquarius jupiter
sagittarius mars-pluto conjunction
aries saturn
libra mercury (2nd to lastish)
libra moon (definitely last on this list)
tentatively i'm gonna put uranus-jupiter tied at 1, then mars-pluto then saturn then mercury. ugh i don't know though. they're all big players! chan in general has one of those spread-out charts--when you look at the ruler of each planet, he has what's called a "committee" tree
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where there isn't one or two final bosses, and the planets are all connected in one tree rather than being separate. you can see how chan's 3 top planets are sag mars, aquarius jupiter and aries saturn--they all work together and are super interconnected. he's not as single-minded as someone with a singular dispositor (ateez hongjoong has a singular final dispositor tree with his pisces jupiter) but also not as split or conflicted as someone who has split trees (ateez seonghwa has a planet in rulership tree with separate parts).
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anyway this has been really interesting! for someone with what seems at first glance to be a very unified chart (air moon, air sun, air rising) he has some interesting conflicting energies--altho i'm sure he sees himself as just an air person. i'm sure he is lowkey aware of that mars and pluto conjunction but i'd bet he really pretends he does not see it (except for in REDACTED REDACTED EXTREMELY REDACTED situations), and he truly cannot see his saturn at all (altho everyone else can!).
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777rare · 2 years ago
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disclaimer :
THIS CONTAINS MENTIONING OF seggs and bad words so please scroll if ur below 18+
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Mercury in 1st house natives are very talkative beings lmao🙊
Mars in fixed signs(AQUARIUS,LEO,TAURUS,SCORPIO) won't take anybodys shit no matter what..if somebody ain't treating em right, they're always ready to fight back
Mars in cardinal signs(CAPRICORN,CANCER,LIBRA,ARIES) can control their temper and toleration levels when somebody's acting all shitty but when they can't take it anymore, you're done for.
Mars in mutable signs (PISCES,GEMINI,SAGITTARIUS,VIRGO) will most of the time tolerate ur shit and get pissed off internally. They won't show it although they do sometimes, its mostly always internal. suppressed anger and frustration.
Apollo-venus/neptune folks are very admiring. Apollo-venus/ 8th house people are charming and alluring whereas apollo-neptune/ 12th house people have ethereal or outwardly beauty. Apollo aspecting ascendant are attractive too. Ex: alexia demie has Apollo quintile venus, zendaya has Apollo in 8th house.
Adams-sun/moon/asc/Mc natives have a very masculine character or mascular body in a man's chart ex: Chris evans has Adam's trine sun, Dwayne Johnson has Adam's sextile moon.
people with aura/ascendant in harsh aspects with moon(esp. Square) could mean people sense ur aura/ energy to be "too emotional" or "cold ass bitch" vibe. the tension in these aspects can also manifest according to the placements, degrees and other aspects.
natives with sirene conjunct jupiter could have such a raw seducing energy and lots n lots of it by the way! They tend to have a very mysterious,sexy,alluring touch to them. its like they have this "cremé dé lá cremé" persona blended in them..it's just so fucking hot..I also feel these natives catch too much attention sometimes even when they don't intend on trying to catch anyone's attention. It can sometimes get really annoying for them too.
In your varuna persona chart usually I feel the native is born to gain world wide fame if their sun/moon conjunct asteroid varuna.
Melete-chiron/sun/moon/asc harsh aspects tend to become victims of anxiety disorders, panic attacks. Check the houses and signs to get more insight as well. Ex: zendaya has melete semi square moon and sesquiquadrate ascendant
Lacrimosa in 12th house natives emotions gets overwhelming when they're in bed or at night. These people could feel overwhelmed with grief and sadness at times and cry themselves to sleep
chiron in aquarius/ 11th house, can show a native getting severely wounded or experiencing trauma, anxiety, grief because of online platforms, social media, technology, anything techno like phones,laptops etc.also these natives never have good, honest friendships. It's always fake friends and getting cheated or left out by friends. These natives should be very careful when it comes to making friends as well. Ex: I have this placement and when I was 10 yrs old, my closest friend food poisoned me. still don't know why.
Saturn-venus natives are beautiful but it's somewhat of an energy that's sleeping in them or yet to sprout. These natives need to put in some self love and work to glow up, especially showing themselves love.these natives tend to dislike the way they look or always try to find some flaw in themselves but their beauty will truly shine only when they begin to love themselves and work on themselves more. (Esp. Harsh aspects)
Virgo lilith natives have a very reserved sex appeal. These people tend to be very picky and minimalistic when it comes to their sexual partners.people most of the time assume these natives to have less knowledge about sex but deep down these natives are just crazy internally. You'll know it when you meet a virgo lilith native.🤠💫Aspects and houses can differ too.
I feel like asteroids in special degrees 11°, 22°,0° also have a really strong or special effect on the native.
sun-mercury natives always look younger than their age. The native can also be very childish even after ageing so much.
Planets in Scorpio sign or where your scorpio is placed is where you keep things hidden, out of reach from others or have deep information about. Thats why when scorpio falls on someones ascendant they are seen as very mysterious and secretive. Ex: I have scorpio over 8th house and i keep my sexual life hidden(8H= sex,money,etc), my brother has scorpio in 3rd house and he knows a lot about my past than my mom, and also about the people in our neighborhood(3H= siblings,neighbours), my mother has scorpio moon so she does hide her emotions a lot. My sister has scorpio jupiter and she does lots and lots of researching and has a lot of knowledge about books and countries that most of the people don't know about.not even me🙂.
Pallas-ascendant(positive aspects) natives look wise and mature
Lots of planets aspecting to chiron can show a native who has been wounded so so many times in their life.
Sokrates conjunct neptune or in pisces/scorpio/ in 8th/12th house natives love deep conversations.they hate small talk and just wanna go so so deep.
Pallas conjunct neptune natives have so much spiritual wisdom.
Tone-pluto natives tend to have a raspy,deep touch to their voice.
Asteroids mentioned above :
apollo - 1862
Adams- 1996
Aura - 1488
Sirene - 1009
Varuna - 20000
Melete - 56
Lacrimosa - 208
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Feel free to reblog and tag me when you do❤🙌🏻 Hope you all enjoyed. Thankyou.bye!❤ have a great day ahead!🏝☀️
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astropookie · 2 years ago
astro observations that i founded in my notes
*birth chart placements
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star dream
taurus moon: they’re so CALM and so comforting. my histrionic energy 🤪 at first didn’t understand but just accept it. Sometimes I have the urge to smack them or shake their shoulders so they can “wake up”. They seem high, in a way they seem to accept things as how they come -but I really doubt it- (it’ll resonate more on the ones with mercury 12H at pisces degree) -I only know them for like 2 weeks-. THEY LOOK SO FUCKING COMFORTABLE OR CALM. When they’re panicking they don’t rise their voice BUT I’ve seen another taurus moon with a lot of cancer and Leo placements that’s the total opposite - I wanted to point it out bc it surprised me how tf they look so in tune with everything but at the same time their expression say otherwise-. UPDATE: she left. And that makes me wanna point out another thing. (she also has a pisces rising) —->
Pisces risings ALWAYS -idk how to bring this up- make their actions seem irresponsable or the situations they go trough are really unexpected. The other day, out of nowhere, a friend disappeared and told me she wasn’t going to stay. She didn’t specified anything. Too suden. They act or -I want to believe- their life makes them take decisions that can seem irresponsable, impulsive or egoist. I knew her for fourth weeks and then she disappeared, not specifying what was the situation. Everyone was asking me what happened and she left me the weight? the responsibility of telling everyone something I couldn’t tell (bc she told me it was a secret and I didn’t told them exactly). My ex best friend is a pisces rising and he always made decisions that affected not only him but their loved ones in a devastating way. He always passed the barrier of limits only bc he wanted and he could. He knew how much weight the situations held and even knowing that he minimized them. I’m not saying every pisces rising is like that. BC THEYRE NOT. Don’t generalize or take my observation as a way of justifying others actions. It’s complex. That’s based on what I observed, it’s completely subjective. So pls don’t take advantage of this and benefit yourself to hate on others. UPDATE: She changed careers, to major in communication to medicine. THAT’S A WHOLE CHANGE. SHE JUST TOLD ME. (with majority of air elements)
I’ve noticed that pisces risings are always questioning if they look good physically. They ask “Do I look good?” and if you say yes, they’ll be like “What do you mean that I look good? Specify. Do I look good meh or do I look good good?”
If you order an Aquarius and Capricorn prominent person, they will not do what you ordered them. They don’t like to be told what to do, to not be able to process and question that order and simply bc you’re telling them what to do, you’re demanding them. They only can do THAT -order people-, if you’re not informed 🙄
oN tHE otHeR hAnD, if you order a Sagittarius prominent person to do something they will not do it but not bc they’re mad at you, like the case of Saturn rulers. No, they’ll not do it. They’ll joke about it and ignore it bc they don’t feel free, to not be allowed or able to choose and the most important thing: bc they can.
The life of people with Venus 7H turns around relationships, romantic relationships? A really lovely friend I have always suffer bc he gives too much of his energy on relationships, friendships, every type/aspect. He came out of his almost 2 years relationship -he was very mature about it, also he was really broken when it happened obviously but he knew how to overcome it and im proud of him 😭-, now, time have passed but not too much -I’m not judging him. I didn’t thought about it till now, 3-2 months😟🤪😚- and he already told me he is starting to like someone and that he kissed her and I’m proud of him BUT HOW TF YOU LIKE SOMEONE SO EASILY AND START SOMETHING WITH SOMEONE IN A ROMANTIC PURE WAY. IM LITERALLY SAYING ROMANTIC BC HES REALLY LOYAL, ALWAYS THINKING TOO MUCH ABOUT THEIR PARTNER/LOVED ONES ETC. I FUCKING BLOCK ALL MY FEELINGS LIKE HOW DO YOU ENTER A SOMETHING SMOOTHLY WITHOUT KILLING YOURSELF THINKING THAT YOU CANT HAVE CONTROL OF THE SITUATION OR AAAAAAA
I think I know why my friend with scorpio moon don’t like my other friend with moon and mercury 12H. Scorpio always likes to control the situation, what’s happening, to know everything and to everyone to know nothing but what they want others to know -except for their loved ones?no-. 12H is synonym of “hidden”, they always hide something…-traumatic- that a scorpio may find it often uncomfortable. Why? They don’t know what’s happening easily, they know the other is hiding something. They can’t control it. They have to make an effort. They don’t like when people on purpose hide something. Scorpio moons are intuitive ASF. They don’t like your fake smile. My scorpio moon friend told me “I don’t like her. She hides something” and yes, my mercury/moon 12H friend does. She is always smiling and daydreaming, she’s not direct. She told me about her past situations that were certainly traumatic, there were a lot of changes in her life and my scorpio moon friend knows she hides THAT something.
❀ Based on my personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
❀ English is not my first language.
❀ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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cemeteryvalentine · 2 years ago
astro observations part 3 ^____^
i'm having fun doing these, so herez a part 3 🙏 a lot of these r just based off me and close friendz lol :3
i feel like people get on water signs (especially CANCER and pisces) for trauma dumping, and ngl a lot of us do (i used to b guilty of doing this 💀) but no one mentions how people do the same to us. like in my opinion, water signs are alwayz getting trauma dumped on. i think prominent pluto influence in ur chart also makes u prone 2 being trauma dumped on lol
i feel like a way to make a cancer or leo frustrated with you is not returning the love they give you. i kno a lot of cancers and leo's (or natals having both in their chart) who get very frustrated when they pour their heart onto someone and not get the same amount of love in return :P. my mom and i have cancer and leo in our chart and shez alwayz complaining abt how much love she gives out to people but doesn't get the same love in return and i totallyy get her LOL
if u have aquarius placements i'm gonna assume u have a god complex or sum 😹😹
taurus placements looove things they don't need. like im alwayz broke from buying cutesy charms, trinkets, mini plushies, makeup, cute clothes, you name it. we also love receiving gifts :3 (or atleast i do).
virgo placements care soooo much about appearance ^____^ and imo, we got the coolest style cuz of it 😼. nowadays, i'm alwayz getting compliments on my style :3 and pretty much all of my friendz with virgo in their chart.
adding to that, i also feel like virgos feel uncomfortable if something's off. like growing up with a virgo rising, i would play a lot of dress up games, or games that required it or any form of decorating, and i would spend major chunks on time making sure everything is in perfect detail and matches my vision. and if it isn't, i get upset and feel itchy LOL. like even now, i spend so much time on my phones appearance, but i currently don't like how it looks cuz it feels like itz missing something and it's bothering me so bad LOL 😭
air signs r soooo friendly. every air sign i know haz a fuck ton of friends 😭 earth signs too, cuz they're so chill.
okay thatz it pookies :3 idk if i'll do this again soon cuz i still got a lot 2 learn abt astrology and more observing to do, but i'll sure asl do this again, even if it takes a while :3. drink water, eat food, n sleep well ^____^
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theresthespark · 6 months ago
Okay Lestat is canonically a Scorpio and Louis a Libra which are both painfully accurate. I wanted to play Estelle and share my astrology headcanons
Leo rising – the hair, the general slayage, her association with yellow aka the sun
Aries sun – she’s so bold plus libra and Aries are sister signs so they share traits that present different which feels right for Louis and her’s kinship
Taurus moon – not prone enough to over emotionality to be a water sign but not overly practical in the way the other earth signs are. Very stubborn and does canonically enjoy beauty and luxury. Also if you know a Taurus I feel like it just makes sense
Virgo Rising – She just gives demure when we first meet her and yet no bullshit either. Virgos just seems very put together almost unassuming which is funny since every Virgo I know is crazy lol
Aquarius sun – the decisions she’s made in her life feel the best suited for an Aquarian. Also her talking to Armand? That woman stopped giving a fuck about what everyone else is doing years ago
Cancer moon – Almost did Scorpio here but her loyalty and intensity didn’t feel suited there. Cancer still has some of Scorpio’s snap but its homey and soft too. I also can’t see Claudia gravitating towards someone similar to Lestat at all lol
(Bonus: suspected Aries Venus. The intensity of her!! Her directness when she cares! How she chases life and joy!)
Pisces Rising – those big ole eyes are a big marker for this one. Also Pisces have big baby energy despite being the oldest sign which feels perfect for him
Gemini Sun – Please what else could he be? There’s the 27 different faces but more so, the love for technology and knowledge, the urge to always strategize. The near inability to ground into his emotions. The perpetual anxiety. Also Geminis are so funny without even trying but that’s just me
Capricorn Moon – Caps are ruled by Saturn which is in short a struggle bus placement. Fits well with the forever 27 thing (stuck in perpetual Saturn return) and his tendency to self flagellate. Also it being represent by the devil card in tarot. Iykyk
Capricorn rising – When you first meet him he comes off quite no bullshit in a way that only makes sense for Capricorn to me. Also fits for the workaholic tendencies (our risings tend to be a truest to self energy aka us at our best). Also feel that may be what draws Armand to him hehehe
Sagittarius sun – If you look up famous Sags all of them are silly goobers (and lowkey problematic 💀). Like him being a Sag makes SO much sense to me for San Francisco. Only a Sag would make that many dumb decisions just bc it was a vibe lmaoo
Aries moon – Thinking about Eric’s comment about Daniel not taking kindly to bullies. Also how similar him and Claudia feel to me I feel they’d share some major signage too
(Bonus: Gemini Mercury bc his got the gift of the gab, the quick wit)
Louis: (i couldn’t resist finishing their big three)
Libra rising – Ruled by Venus, Helen of Troy, Malena coded. What else could he be really?
Libra sun – Painfully canon
Scorpio moon – With how he talks about himself and his life versus how he moves through the world it makes perfect sense to me. So much emotion but also a lot of passion all bottled unless in the right company. Also he would loooove SZA (plus plus you’re more likely to become heavily attached to people who’s sun is your moon)
Aquarius rising – Leo’s sister sign (perfect for him and Claudia’s dynamic). She’s a rebel she does her own thing she does not give a flying fuck about the rest of yall. Only an Aquarius could be responsible for the events in Queen of the Damned
Scorpio sun – Again debilitatingly canon
Leo moon – Do I even need to explain it? Pull any TVL passage if you want an explanation lmaooo
I hope you enjoyed my analyzes I love astrology and would kill to get a proper birth chart for these characters. The house placements! The Aspects! The CHIRONS!! I need to chill
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venuscnjunctpluto · 2 years ago
Astro pt 3.
Credit: @venuscnjunctpluto
(I’m on spring break and literally have 50 other things I should be doing but we’re back at it again folks😝)
Venus conjunct saturn women 🤝 men w mommy issues
The worst moon square moon beef I’ve seen is Taurus and Aquarius. Both won’t let it go like the Taurus moon thinks they’re making sense while the Aquarius moon wants to seem unbothered it’s a mess.
Taurus Venus people are so beautiful (ex: Victoria Monet, Ariana Grande, Leighton Meester, Cillian Murphy, Matthew Gray Gubler, plus my mom💕)
There are three types of Aquarius risings: one who walks around in pajamas and chokers, one who is legit a model, and the one who wears graphic t shirts and multiple finger rings)
Also I notice a lot of aqua rising women love dressing masculine (ex: Zendaya, Nicki Minaj, and Aaliyah) if you see a girl w her pants sagging with her hat turned backwards w every color of the rainbow on. just know she’s a aqua rising.
Sag Venus women are bisexual ex: Erica Mena, Nicki Minaj, and me lol
Most kpop stans have libra placements and this is coming from a libra moon
Underdeveloped Men w Fixed sign placements are such incel. Leo esp mars when their ego gets hurt they cannot take it. Aquarius thinks they’re too good and smart for women so they can’t understand why no one wants to be around them. Do I even need to explain Taurus and Scorpio?😭
Pieces Venuses are down bad ex: the men crave a manic pixie dream partner and when they can’t live up to the natives fantasy; they cheat. The women are usually loyal but they are blind asf and will neglect and abandon their relationships w others just for their partner who may or may not be trash. On a good note; they are very very very giving in relationships and so sweet but just because y’all can give doesn’t mean you have to constantly.
Brent faiyaz and Jungkook have Scorpio Mars😮‍💨 I don’t know what it is but I wanna date one so bad. What’s y’all experiences?
Certain signs and placements date people w similar charts. Like I notice Taurus suns usually date eachother bc who else is about to put up w them (just kidding…no I’m not🙂) also Scorpio placements (ex: future and Ciara, Megan fox and machine gun Kelly, Karruche and Chris brown…these are terrible examples😭)
As far as Venus conjunct ascendant synastry…I honestly only feel the tension when I’m the ascendant. Whenever my Venus conjuncts someone’s asc it doesn’t really move me like I don’t think they’re unattractive I just don’t really gaf. Their personalities are fun because my sag Venus and mars knows they can take a joke. I think Scorpio/8th house doesn’t really care too much about looks and appearances. In fact I notice Scorpio Venus men view the people they date as beneath them in some way and they do that to feel comfortable as if that person can’t get better and leave or cheat.
I always tell people I don’t have a type which I kinda don’t aesthetically but: Virgo rising, moon-Pluto or Scorpio moons, Virgo mars, Taurus suns w aqua moons, air venuses or mars, libra risings, Scorpio mars😚
Blueface and Chrisean have Venus square pluto synastry. When I say they are the most exaggerated example of this synastry it’s crazy. She clearly seems trauma bonded and believes she’s truly in love with this man (Venus). While he’s using her for money (pluto) and maintaining control over her at all times. That’s another thing w Venus Pluto synastry the venus person looks worse in the public eye because we’re always outwardly vulnerable (the good and bad) while Pluto doesn’t show just how insane they are overtly. But he’s the jealous one because peep how mad and aggressive he gets when she gets any sort of attention outside of him (ex: when Drake followed her and he twisted it to be related to him) Pluto really thinks they OWN the Venus person like that Brent lyric “they only wanna fuck with you cause they know I fuck with you” that’s their mentality. (They’re both physically abusive to eachother and need to breakup asap)
Also everyone talks about how much she’s changed for the worst since she got w him. Her missing tooth and getting multiple tattoos of that man. I’ve seen this guy w his Venus square his ex’s Pluto and he looked terrible while w her and when they broke up he got hisself together. My conjunction synastry took me from wearing bold colors to black for months😭
Sag placements esp Venus or mars men are bow legged asf
Lana Del Rey’s catalog is the epitome of 8th house stellium. Constant changes, a certain loneliness that doesn’t go away, learning and growing, but also never giving up hope.🦋
Cancer mars men and their pregnancy fetish…lil durk has like 5,000 kids and his ex India said that she wanted another baby because of how affectionate he was when she was pregnant.
A lot of football/soccer player have air mars. (Ex: mason mount, kylian mbappe, phil foden)
Women w sun-Neptune, Uranus, pluto may have terrible relationships w men bc of their relationship w their father
Aqua, sag, and cap placements are funny asf😭 I’m one of them and I don’t even try but people are always dying laughing around me
I’ve been in two “lust” triangles and both pairs had one Taurus placement friend and one Scorpio placement friend. The Taurus friend (literally both of them had birthday two days apart) liked me and had their Scorpio friend (one was a Scorpio Venus and the other was a Scorpio mars) spy on me or maybe they just offered😭 long story short the Scorpio friend ended up liking me in both situations I just✨felt✨ it. Taurus and Scorpio are both sneaky and possessive they have opposite energy and it’s very likely they could like the same people. It gets complicated because Scorpio is more likely to keep their crush a secret which can cause unintended overlap.
Capricorn mars: I don’t get mad like I rarely get upset😐
Us all hearing them yell behind closed doors and come out like nothing happened:
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babyspacekwid · 6 months ago
Some of my Astro placements and how they manifest
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Chiron 4th house:
This placement talks of a wound surrounding the family and home, and well, I would often search for a home because no where to me felt like home. I still feel misunderstood and out of place, BUT, I have made deep and valuable connections that have helped guide me and make me feel the love I should have had. Not to say this placement is completely hopless, it’s beautiful and it’s real and it’s tough, but you come out stronger. I use to hate that fucking perspective too. Like okay??? Who gaf if I come out stronger I’m fucking suffering, like why didn’t I get the parents everyone else has? Why’d I have to walk on eggshells? I felt like my anger and sadness was invalidated because I didn’t feel strong. I felt worthless and disorganized. I was a mess and I still am. Idk if that’s ever gonna change tbh, but despite all, it’s true. You DO come out stronger. In every aspect I have. Home is your people it was never a place, home is your mother cradling you for the first time in a while, it’s your friends taking care of you when you’re sobbing. Home is your dad realizing his mistakes and apologizing. Home is a feeling, it’s refreshing and comforting. Home was never suppose to be stressful, or feel like a war zone. To whoever has this same placement I feel you and I love you.
Mars in Aquarius in the 5th house
I do things unconventionally and I only realize this when I’m with other ppl. It can be as simple as the way I eat my burger, to my taste in music. Which is everything. I like literally everything. I don’t care the genre. If it’s good and catchy I love it. I did a lot of different hobbies as a kid too? Like taekwondo, dance, soccer, painting, singing, writing. But I never stayed long in any of those hobbies. Loved anime which ik everyone likes these days but where I live and during my childhood it was still a bit taboo or considered weird to watch. I was the kid that got along with everyone at school too. I didn’t see the point in highschool having a social hierarchy of popularity. It’s fucking stupid. I remember this one kid in my class who everyone thought was weird, which from their perspective I understand because he liked to talk about taboo topics that everyone thought was outrageous, but I was enjoying conversing with him because his perspectives were fresh and built my own views and opinions. I also have a 5th house stellium and I just fucking hate anything that isn’t fun like. I can’t do the 9-5 I have to enjoy my life like this society was not meant for the way my brain works istg.
Lilith 8th house
Constant comments were made about my body when I was young. From good to bad to what the actual fuck are you saying to a 12 year old. No cause it still happens and I’ve learnt to deal with it, but it has greatly affected how I view myself, my sexuality, and my comfortability with it.
Sun and moon in Gemini
I got the worst of both worlds wtf is this?! Considering my chart is 60% air signs you’d think I’d be use to it but I’m notttttt. I try to stray away from the stereotypical “Geminis intellectualize their emotions” but it’s true we do, but I think it’s cause feeling our emotions are overwhelming. Geminis ARE emotional. There’s just so much going on that my brain decides “I need a solution to this now cause feeling is pain” also hate that I’m not consistent. Consistency is my worst enemy, it doesn’t agree with me and my behaviours and we have an ongoing tense relationship, so I don’t finish anything. Not the books I wanna write or the paintings I wanna finish. Working on it tho 😭
Jupiter in Leo in the 11th house
I know so many people, and the friends I’ve made feel like my soul family. We’re siblings at this point. (Also rlly love the spotlight. What can I say I’m an attention whore)
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livelaughghoul · 7 months ago
Lance Stroll - Birth Chart Analysis
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Disclaimer: This is for entertainment purposes only, nothing observed or taken away from this should be considered fact. As a reminder, I know fuck all about Formula 1, I just like fast cars and have a dumb amount of knowledge of astrology and tarot. 
Lance, the man that you are. A Scorpio AND eleventh house stellium? We have to talk about this Scorpio stellium first because it is a moment, literally she is the moment. It’s such an intense stellium to have because Scorpio is one of the most intense placements. Then we add in a stellium in the eleventh house, just throwing in so much passion with this overwhelming intensity. 
Lance serves cunt in the best way possible, and I know he has no sense of shame in it. There is so much intensity in his chart, that it genuinely feels toxic (and I’m not saying this just because he is a Scorpio man and Scorpio men are notoriously toxic). I love this chart because it gives me the absolute ick. I may have just found my favorite driver…
Either way, I stand with this Nepo Baby on the little information I have about this man. 
Sun - Scorpio
I should preface this by saying I detest Scorpio men, I truly have not met a Scorpio man that did not make me want to find a 13th reason. This is largely because they go from one extreme to the other like flipping a coin, one second they’re just so relaxed and passive and the next second you’re posting bail because there was an altercation that started over a small misunderstanding. Everything about Scorpios is intense, and I think that is something that Lance may need to figure out how to deal with. With Scorpio placements (especially with a stellium), there is so much intensity that I have no doubts this man can go from a Golden Retriever to an angry German shepherd in a second. 
Moon - Aquarius
A Moon Aquarius paired with a Sun Scorpio is funny because we go from an intense as-all-hell sun sign to a balanced and logical moon sign. An Aquarius moon is this creative and patient sign that is SO expressive, like I know this man has no problem expressing his feelings and emotions, he probably wears his heart on his sleeve and I love that for him. I do think that there is a lot of stubbornness to this placement though, yes, he has a lot of patience, but this comes with a lot of unpredictability which is super fun when it’s paired with the intense Scorpio sun. Lance may be a patient man, but this man has piss poor impulse control. 
Rising - Capricorn
Rising Cap is a sad boy placement. There is a lot of hesitancy and a reserved nature about this placement he takes time to build a connection and friendship with others, but when he is comfortable with someone he latches on and refuses to let go. There are a lot of goal-orientated aspects with this placement too, Lance wants to build a better life for himself and wants to do this on his merit. With his reserved nature, I think that there is a lot of anxiety, that plays into why he is reserved. I imagine that there is a lot of fear around the future, he wants to be the best but feels like he is not able to meet those goals unless he is just 100% dedicated to work. 
Mercury (Planet of intelligence) - Scorpio
I know this man can internet stalk with the best of them, this man should have been a detective, he is nosy, he wants the gossip, and he will get the gossip one way or another. He has a natural talent for asking really deep and probing questions. With this though, there is a lot of being stuck in one opinion, and I think it can be really difficult to change his opinion or stance on something. My favorite part of this placement is that they are sarcastic as all fuck, like this dude gets petty as fuck when he is bothered by something. 
Venus (Planet of love and pleasure) - Scorpio
I hate it and I love it, like I have such a toxic connection with this placement. It’s so possessive, and intense, it’s bordering on unhealthy. Everything is so passionate, wholly consuming, and just downright toxic as hell. If he feels that things aren’t going his way in a relationship, he checks out so quickly. If he feels betrayed, he becomes vindictive as fuck. I have a feeling that any marriage in his life is going to be like, a whole ass event. It’s going to be like a royal wedding-type situation. 
Mars (Planet of physical energy) - Virgo
This placement alone challenges the nepo baby allegations because it’s such a hardworking placement. Did he get a leg up? Absolutely, but he also works damn hard to be where he is and has so much pride in his work. There is a lot of determination in this placement, so a physical career and lifestyle fit. I again think that there are a lot of overwhelming attributes to this placement, and intensity. Lance is intense as all hell, and I love it (and honestly the toxicity? It’s okay with me).  
Jupiter (Planet of luck, optimism, and success) - Pisces
Lance is going to see a lot of success in a career that allows him to work with others while maintaining a competitive edge. There needs to be an emotional nature to the career, but I think that with how stressful and petty F1 seems to be, I think that checks out there too. It's such a cunty sport I’m so annoyed that I didn’t get into it earlier guys. I got distracted. Sorry, I'm back to the chart. This placement is all about likeability and popularity, but from everything I know (sorry, it’s limited) it seems that people really like Lance or hate him and think that the only reason he has a seat is because his dad owns the team. 
Saturn (Planet of responsibility)  - Aries
Lance is going to get his ass kicked when his Saturn return starts, no joke. Aries brings a lot of challenges and delays to Saturn right away. There is a lot of unknown and confusion with this placement. There is a feeling of never really knowing what to do, how to do it, and if you’re doing enough. There is a lot of success with this placement, but there are also a lot of setbacks and challenges, it can be challenging to overcome because it feels like there is a never-ending battle of trying to be enough. I think that once the first Saturn return finishes, he will come into his own and embrace the changes that he needs to make. 
Uranus (Planet of change and originality) - Aquarius
This is such a nepo baby placement, like I’m laughing about this, especially if he uses his nepo baby status for the good of the world. With this placement, there is a need for freedom, in a self-defined way. Lance values his thoughts and opinions, he wants to forge his own opinion and has a hard time letting others' points of view influence him. He has a lot of originality to him. Friendship is going to be important to his career and success in it, I think if there is conflict within work friendships, this is going to cause issues in his career. 
Neptune (Planet of mystery and illusion) - Capricorn
I again am convinced that Lance can internet stalk with the best of the girls, give this man a glass of wine and a laptop and he will find that guy from a music festival you felt a connection with but only learned the first name of. He does not like when things remain unsolved, he is going to get to the bottom of things. I love this energy for him because I have no doubts that he has the best gossip. 
Pluto (Planet of death and rebirth) - Sagittarius
Lance is going to make sure that he has some sort of legacy that lasts well beyond his time. He is going to be known, he is going to be successful, and he is determined to make this happen. There is so much ambition and passion throughout his chart that I have zero doubts that there is going to be a lasting impact on the world at large. 
First house (House of self)  - Neptune 
This is so cute, I love it, it’s also very on-brand for a nepo baby. Lance loves the finer things in life, he doesn’t mind surrounding himself with luxury at all. The one downside to this placement is that there can be a little bit of laziness, but I think it’s more with like, personal things than with his career. He will do whatever he needs to do for his career, but if this man is asked to do the dishes? He needs two to three business days before getting around to them. 
Second house (House of possessions)  - Uranus and Moon
I love the Moon being in this house because while this is the pinnacle nepo baby, he loves a good deal. Now I’m not saying he clipping coupons or anything, but this man loves a deal. I think that he can be a little over the top when it comes to gifting or frivolous things. Uranus points to an unconventional career, and I would say that driving really fast cars professionally is not the most conventional career path. I think that there is an underlying fear that everything will suddenly be taken like he is going to lose everything potentially. 
Third house (House of communication)  - Jupiter 
I love this because it tells me that he is an active listener like he isn’t the type to listen to you to be able to get what he wants to say out. He wants to hear what people have to say, especially if it’s a common interest. He wants to see and try new things, he wants to build a relationship and travel. 
Fourth house (House of home) - Saturn 
Someone give this man a family, like right fucking now. There is such love and devotion to his family and his future family. In my experience, we will children coming later in life, usually because there were a lot of responsibilities taken on at an early age. I know this man is going to spoil any children that are around him. 
Ninth house (House of mental exploration)  - Mars 
Again, this man is stubborn in his thought. When he has his mind made up about something, it is really hard to change it. I think that there are a lot of small debates that take place because he has his mind set on something and may take it as a challenge when he feels that someone is trying to change his opinion. 
Eleventh house (House of wishes and friends) - Venus, Sun, and Mercury
I think that this stellium is what causes a lot of the strong feelings about Lance like it does seem that people either like him or dislike him. A lot is going on in this house, there is no lying about this. With the Sun we see a lot of friendships, he definitely casts a wide net and attracts a lot of folks, and this is again seen with the Mercury influence. Venus points to there being some confusion in terms of friendship and love, so I know this man is going to end in a friends-to-lovers romance novel-type relationship, and it’s going to be fucking amazing. 
Twelfth house (House of secrets and undoing) - Pluto 
Lance does not like secrets at all, he can keep them, but he can’t handle not being in the know. I think that there is a lot of hiding emotions until there is a deeper connection there, which can be difficult because his chart is so disgustingly intense. 
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strawberrystepmom · 3 months ago
Kendall 🌚 if it isn’t too much trouble may I ask for a genken astrology reading? I’m not really familiar with his lore but I wanna know what your dynamic is & how you two love each other <333
🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 man thank you for asking I truly started tearing up thank you so much me when ppl care…anywho I hope you’re having a beautiful day my beloved nana <333
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gen’s chart is the left and mine is the right. as you can see there are some pretty interesting differences, namely the amount of earth placements he has vs the amount of uhhh not earth or anything reasonable placements i have. at the jump i'm positive other astro girls will read this and go sheesh and that's fair. BUT my interpretation of this is that we move through life differently but when we're together, we bring out the best in each other.
also all of this capricorn in his chart makes me so wet. this man was literally born to be a leader. i feel this chart actually fits him so well. he's more hardworking than he would let people believe, he's blunt to a fault, he is a workaholic (again, even if he pretends he isn't), he's motivated, he will get shit fucking DONE when it's time to get it done and he does.
aldsjfla;sjdfkasjdf okay now that i've sufficiently glazed him i will do a full compatibility breakdown below!
we'll start with venus the big one for romance. my aquarius venus and his capricorn venus are a good match because i personally believe every air venus needs an earth venus to temper them and quite literally be the rock that holds their edges down like a picnic blanket lmfao....i need freedom but if someone offers me stability i will take it. he wants stability but craves freedom as a little treat and i'm happy to give him some if it means i can have my own. we balance one another out with a mutual understanding of the way the other works. he knows what he wants and will wait it out. i know what i want but want there to be a foundation first and he's willing to let that happen.
i also feel that our mars match ups are really strong. my leo mars makes me bold, direct, pretty roll with the punches and i don't get mad about much unless i feel my pride is threatened so i never take his spitting or mouthiness very seriously. he's a capricorn mars, so he's very direct to the point of it being almost hurtful sometimes even if he doesn't intend it that way. he can be a bit surly but the playfulness of leo and the tendency to use sweet words and touches and playing to people's egos easilyyyyy tempers him.
capricorn sun brings a lot of grounding to pisces sun. i tend to be a bit breezy, kind of anxious and out of it at times, and he can grab me by the shoulders and shake me out of my own head and he's good at it. a little "hey. get it together." works bc i know he doesn't mean it in a way that he's insinuating i'm a mess he means to climb out of whatever emotional hole i've managed to dig for myself and fix it. LURVE that about him.
gemini moon is curious by nature, something that can make a scorpio moon close itself off, but scorpio is also easily sussed out by people who are genuinely interested in them. i can glean pretty immediately that he is interested and wants to really know me so i give him little bits at a time. he takes it well and doesn't ask for more necessarily but asks me to explain my thoughts. explain my feelings. explain my world. let him in. he gets there eventually to see the true Thought Daughter beneath the feather cuffed sleeves.
so yeah!!!! i think overall we're pretty compatible. i like the way we balance each other out at the very least and tbh i'm sensitive but i know when someone Means it bc i am also intuitive so most of his bluster truly does not bother me. i like it. it's just a condition of adoring him.
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wrotelovelytears · 1 year ago
They stare cause they know
IT Girl from ATL
👀Honestly I'm grateful for this Saturn in Pisces transit. I've learned so much about myself and the world around me from isolation. I'm not going to lie and say it's been easy because my mental health has taken various directions and without this time completely alone, I would never have the personal understanding I do now.
‍💀This transit has been about learning to be alone and what it means to be oneself. I see this as a preparation for the Saturn in Aries transit which entails taking those lessons learned and helping others with it through leadership. And I will be starting my Saturn return then too
👀I've noticed as we get closer and closer to Neptune in Aries the world gets more and more... Violent. Like there's no other word to describe it but just pure malice floating in the air. While I could use only astrology to explain it, I'm not going to pretend like there's no big social things that happened that are also making the world this way. Ever since the beginning of the pandemic human behavior has taken a turn for the worse. Add in "forced" isolation from the masses and you get a world ripe for conflict. Yes Neptune is about illusions and honestly it shifting to a more active sign, yeah we might just have to take that L collectively.
👀 I also peeped we will have Aries ruling Neptune, the North Node and Saturn all at the same time at some point. Not saying the world gonna end or nothing, just saying prepare to see more of the current things you see.
👀 So are we gonna talk about how everyone was going the Age of Aquarius is gonna push society forward in good ways just to end up having degenerate behavior become the norm. I understand that Aquarius is the sign of change and "futurism" and it also is the sign of headassery individuality to extremes. Aries is more about individuals leading (ie group work) while Aquarius is more individuality rediscovered and using that to lead (being yourself and that making change). Unless we all course correct this newfound sense of hyper individuality the world is gonna get worse.
Y'all my sons
👀Since my solar return is coming up (this may or may not be posted around or on it), I want to reflect on my past solar return chart. (I will be using whole sign and sidereal chart as a heads up if your wondering why certain planets are in certain signs)
‍💀This time last year I was working two jobs at once, two separate times, I'm blaming my first house mars. Like I have never in my life made a decision so short sighted and yet I managed it because not only is my mars in my first house but Taurus as well. I'm stubborn already but when I was told it was impossible to do both, yeah I doubled down.
🤭That Taurus Mars also made me very conscious about my appearance and how I see myself. This wasn't a negative thing however, I've done so many things to change my appearance to fit the version of me I think is best. Including getting various piercings, doing another big chop (also didn't want long hair no more), buying clothes that made me feel attractive and saying more affirmations in the mirror. The biggest change (that I had little to do with) was finally achieving my body goals. With it being in a 29 degree, I believe this is almost certainly my final form.
‍💀I find it funny how my Moon is in the 22° (which is also the natal degree it's in) and in Cancer because when I tell you I fucking cried all the time and for everything. I did. I know I'm naturally very sensitive but it's like someone turned the dial up and broke it. This has led me to happy tears as well. I also did emotional eat a lot or vice versa. I think combining this with Taurus Mars did make me a little more suspectable to food and emotion related ups and downs.
🤭I also made a lot of progress in therapy due to just wanting to finally process and get over certain shit. I'm going to say the third house holding it is what made me more willing to talk. However this also led to me randomly remembering some tragic thing that happened to me at some random ass time and going "wow, that's kinda fucked... Whomp whomp".
‍💀The crazy thing about this entire transit year is starting it off with a head injury that's kinda led to some long-term neurological issues. Literally didn't even get a day into the year and got the shit knocked out of me because Aries wanted to chill in the 12th house.
🤭Even though I had to stop working due to multiple head and neurological injuries, I at least learned what jobs, bosses, and work environments I do and don't like. I also learned how to easily see when someone is not in my corner and rather be headstrong then correct.
‍💀My MC happened to be in Capricorn that year and yeah, I definitely worked my ass off. I wanted to focus on longevity and stability. That's honestly been my theme this year (and moving forward). That did mean I might've let my relationships struggle because I was working and constantly outside.
‍💀Back to appearance (let me be vain in peace), my Sun and Aphrodite transiting the 6th house probably played a big role in why appearance was so important to me. Having them being in Libra made it just double down.
💀As I am editing this I also have my Ascendant in the 6°, I already said my current sixth house is ruled by Libra so yeah. Being hot n sexy was my goal this year. I achieved cute and "uwu" in the end tho.
‍💀This has honestly been the first year (since I was like... 12) that I haven't had any type of romantic relationship, I think this leads back to Saturn being in Pisces mostly. I also think it's me having a Scorpio Venus (which happens in my natal chart) but in the seventh house. See that's squares my natal Venus despite being in the same sign. {Actually my whole chart this year squares my natal but that's not the topic at hand.} I honestly didn't know what to do in the beginning of the year, I wanted a relationship and understood how important they are to me (sorry I'm a romantic at heart, I love love and being in love. Transiting the seventh duhh) AND I did almost no work to seek one out partially due to things I had to work out from my past (there's that pesky Scorpio in me popping up). Anytime I was approached for a romantic partnership I automatically questioned the person's intent and if it was self fulfilling prophecy or my intuition being OP, I never had anything pan out. In the beginning that annoyed me and I realized one I wasn't done doing work on my lack of trust in people, two seventh house rules open enemies and them people did not have my best interest at heart.
‍💀My Jupiter was in retrograde which could've played a part in why I dropped most of the spiritual aspects of my life and tried to raw dog it. That was a terrible idea, I ain't never felt so lost before lmao. While I could have religious talks, the spiritual aspect was lacking. It was like belief without practice for me and that's not really believing. As the year is coming to a close I've been getting more "lucky" and spiritual again. I had to learn that certain aspects of my life just work and others don't. And that my definition of my religious beliefs are vastly different than what others of my faith might be.
🤭All in all I learned the lesson of the importance of individuality within community. Not community without individuality. Or individuality before community.
‍💀Another reason for my struggle with religion, spirituality and all that was Saturn being in my 9th house. My will to continue higher education and be involved in anything literally besides work was gone. Now my life long dream has been multiple PhDs but when I tell you I avoided any conversation around finishing my first degree, one PhD was looking real unattainable.
‍💀Saturn really beat my ass this year as it was also the ruler of current profection. Hopefully my luck will truly change (in literally every aspect of life at this point) by the time my Jupiter year comes around.
‍💀Another note about my third house Moon, I fell back in love with the things of my childhood. That included gaming, socializing (on my own accord), "weird core" related things like the backrooms and analog horror and so on. The moon transiting certain houses can honestly unlock new (or old) things about you that bring comfort.
‍💀I'm a fixed Dom in my natal chart so being a Cardinal Dom for a year has been very exhausting. I'm used to finishing and quickly learning things. The way I was constantly tested this year had me always on edge. I think it is a good thing however because even though I did end quiet a few things, I also picked (back) up even more things. This has been a year of change without bounds (thanks Aries Uranus ), change that was honestly needed.
‍💀My chart is also pretty evenly distributed. Like I wasn't lacking fire, earth, water or air which explain why change was whooping my water Dom ass. Yes I know water ain't still (even ice isn't unless absolutely 0), and damn how do the fire and air people live like this? I could barely take a break to process anything. I had to process on the move and always be on it.
🤭I'm hoping next year it's more relaxed and stable, I can't handle all this change and movement.
‍💀Funny how my PoF was in Leo fourth and I worked with kids. It was beyond rewarding because I witnessed everything from first steps and words to the start of public (or private) school.
🤭Ceres might have also played a role in how invested I was in my jobs and the children I worked with. However my ovaries might have been on one because I started wanting to have a baby myself and that really isn't a good decision at the moment.
🤭Ceres also might have helped me connect more with my own mother as well which surprised quite a few people but I'd say it's been worth it. Learning how to mother myself has been greatly useful and even helpful with understanding my own.
‍💀This year I found out that I'm Chinese, Japanese and Peruvian, through DNA testing (again). And while doing so caused both my parents to have an identity crisis, I knew of my Asian heritage and somewhat of an Indigenous one as well. Problem is the countries were all wrong from family stories. (At the end of the day I'm still Black, that hasn't changed at all). I find it unironic China and Tokyo conjunction in my 8th house while Inca (what I used as a Peru substitute) chills in my third (almost second). To further that China and Tokio trine my Ceres and yes it is my mom that's half Chinese Japanese (and Vietnamese but couldn't find nothing for Vietnam, we taking what we get). And Inca trine my Jupiter (which I personally associate with my Father because he's a Pisces). My parents on the other hand hate this news because it did bring up old things they wanted to bury in their past (8th house coming through). My only lasting question is how the hell-
💀See I had a strange aversion to taking pictures of myself and even moreso posting the ones I did take. Turns out my Photographica was conjunction my Saturn and opps with my Moon. Anytime I'd take a picture I'd automatically feel disgusted with it despite feeling "pretty". Self image has been difficult this year, despite a lot of improvement.
Asteroids mentioned: Ceres(4)(ur mom) , Photographica(443), Aphrodite(1388), China(1125), Inca(8275), Tokio(498)
This my first actual post in idk how long. This year was.. A lot for me on a personal and societal level. While astrology may not be my source of a ton of dopamine anymore, it's still an interest to me. There's so much organizing I have to do with this page, so please be patient with me as I try to get back into the swing of things.
(If you learned something new or would just like to support me you can leave a wittle tip via the tip button or one of the links in my masterlist. Kofi: nymphdreams🧸)
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twistedastrology · 7 months ago
- Sirius & The Lion's Gate Portal -
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cannot guarantee every image is gonna be of sirius bc :( but i will try my best to make them cohesive anyway 🫡
ANYWAY so someone on reddit asked me what i thought abt the lion's gate portal n stuff (u know who u are!!) and i genuinely had like. Never thought abt it- im not much of a portal kinda guy like i know abt their existences for the most part but i never knew what made them... portals....
so i did a deep dive within the span of like 30 minutes bc im a gemini and here's everything i learned and everything i theorized 🫡🫡
let's start with the big one: THEY'RE LYING!!!!!!!!!! 🎶🎶🎶🎶 THIS IS THE GREATEST STORY!!! EVER TOLD!!!!!!🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
banger page break excuse-
so ya turns out a lot of ppl are actually lying abt what the lion's gate portal actually is, and dw i fell victim to this lie a couple days ago too before i learned all this 😵‍💫
so let's start with the myth
the lion's gate portal is when the sun is in conjunction with sirius in leo
that is not at all true- i pulled every chart you can imagine to figure out if maybe they were saying it's conjunct in sidereal or something and no, in no chart i pulled was sirius conjunct with the sun at what ppl consider the "peak of the lion's gate portal"
in the tropical zodiac, sirius sits at 14° cancer, and in sidereal it's like 19° gemini- so the sun was actually in conjunction with sirius way back on july 5th and i saw NOBODY putting up a fuss abt that 🤨🤨
another myth!!!!
the lion's gate portal is when the EARTH is in alignment with sirius
again!!! no!!!!! the earth is in AQUARIUS rn dawg sirius isn't even aspecting it in the tropical zodiac except for a fucking quincunx 😭😭😭😭
the lion's gate portal is when the sun, earth AND sirius all line up in some strange shape that i dont know what is
AGAIN!!!!! N O OO O O 😭😭😭😭😭😭 i pulled 500 thousand fucking charts trying to figure out if maybe the 3 were in a trine or a square or SOMETHING and i got NOTHING DAWG 😭😭😭😭
the lion's gate portal is when the sun is 15° through leo, therefore halfway thru the zodiac
Did we forget how to count. Halfway through the zodiac is 15° of VIRGO. LEO IS TBE F I F T H SIGN OUT OF T W EL V E. TWELVE DIVIDED BY 2 IS SIX!!!!!!!!!
now im gonna be fr im not sure if maybe it's "halfway thru the zodiac" as in halfway through the Year maybe??? But BRO IT'S IN AUGUST. HALFWAY THRU THE YEAR WAS 2 MONTHS AGO.
maybe im missing something on that one im not sure But from what ive gathered, we really like lying our asses off abt the lion's gate portal.
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i just got all comfy layin on my bed hell yeah im abt to write at maximum efficiency-
Ok so let's talk abt sirius the star and the mythology n stuff we got goin on
lemme give u a snippet from wikipedia:
"Sirius is colloquially known as the "Dog Star", reflecting its prominence in its constellation, Canis Major (the Greater Dog). The heliacal rising of Sirius marked the flooding of the Nile in Ancient Egypt and the "dog days" of summer for the ancient Greeks."
the second they mentioned egypt i was like WHOA but also yes that is literally where the term dog days of summer comes from- Anyway-
so me, having the ancient egypt font of autism, i went and did more research- and i found out that the egyptians actually had a whole ass deity that was the personification of Sirius, that was how important the star was to them-
the goddess was named Sopdet, or Sothis to the greeks- i like the name sothis so we're gonna use that-
so the rising of sirius on the eastern horizon (aka the heliacal rising of sirius) always coincided with the annual flooding of the nile to the Egyptians, so they had a very positive view of the star and goddess, bc they were like "YOOOOO THE SHINY IS BACK IN THE SKY THE FUCKG NILE IS GONNA FLOOD LET'S GOOOOOOO- OUR CROPS ARE GONNA BE SO GOOD 😭😭😭😭"
basically. me personally if i was an Egyptian i would be just as hyped-
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sothis was also conflated with isis and anubis, and in the old kingdom she was described as a psychopomp who guided pharoahs through the underworld- eventually she was like entirely subsumed into isis-
there was another god too called Sah, and he was the personification of the orion constellation- sah and sothis had a kid named sopdu, who was also venus aka the morning star-
the Egyptians really liked to blend people together sometimes so eventually Sah was just Osiris, Sothis was just Isis and Sopdu was just Horus-
so they were like "ok but let's give credit to original names hold on-" so they became Osiris-Sah, Isis-Sopdet and Horus-Sopdu 😭😭😭
cool mythology lesson bro, what's this gotta do with the lion's gate portal-
so we now know how important Sirius was to the egyptians, but what's cool is the greeks thought sirius was kinda garbage and a bad omen bc it coincided with ofc the dog days of summer, and "when men became weak and women became aroused" So i guess it qualifies to be the hot girl summer star 🫡
sirius is also known as our "spiritual sun", so i have a couple theories here
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the lion's gate portal itself is on 08/08 every year, that's its peak because that's when the sun hits 15° of leo which is supposedly the peak of the sign-
and ofc it's the sign of the sun's rulership which i do not personally believe but ill get to that in a later tumblr post probably-
so it's special bc it's a cool number (an angel number) and it's sun stuff-
that's what the lion's gate portal Actually Is.
HOWEVER i dont think that that's the Portal itself- i think the real portal the egyptians had on lock-
i think the actual spiritual significance is the heliacal rising of sirius- which i BELIEVE starts in early july or so- probably around the time cancer season starts so maybe mid june- im not too sure but the later half of the year definitely- (update did some more research, july 19th is when sirius becomes visible at dawn- november 23rd it sets when the sun rises, January 3rd it rises when the sun sets so do with that what u will 💔)
so sirius coming up on the eastern horizon is what's cunty, not necessarily the lion's gate thingy that's just a bonus
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what the heliacal rising of sirius Does may not affect everyone equally, but i imagine it would bring to light whatever cancer/gemini placements you have in your chart- so for me, i literally have sirius conjunct my ascendant.
and i think it's interesting, maybe just a coincidence or sumn actually cool, that sirius is part of the winter triangle (made up of itself, betelgeuse and procyon) and i have summertime depression 🫡 i get MISERABLE if it's too hot out but the second it starts getting cold???? U have no fucking idea how much energy i have instantly- that first breeze of winter hits and im wired for sound for the rest of the day i am NOT kidding-
and id like to do a post or a newsletter on specifically the 1st house bc ive been thinking abt it lately and i have a lot to yap abt 💔 (im doing a newsletter series on the water houses rn the 1st part is out ill link to it below this 🫡)
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either way i think sirius activity coincides with spiritual awakening to some degree- and being a binary star system as well as its differing associations, i say it has the potential to be a hell star and a star that brings good fortune- so it's probably of the nature of saturn tbh
it being in cancer as well means neptune themes will end up coming out (for the ppl on tiktok reading this, i have a tumblr post explaining why i think neptune rules cancer 🫡 it's kinda out of date by this point i should probably do it again But it still stands) so even more spiritual stuff, soul level revelations, a heightened sense of vitality that you have no idea where it's coming from-
on the other side it could be Not Great and you could feel kind of out of bounds especially rn while neptune is in pisces-
im not totally sure on the interpretation just yet but ya the lion's gate portal kind of has nothing to do with sirius i fear- like it Kind Of coincides with the heliacal rising??? i think that's probably when the portal Opens but there's still not a lot goin on
the lion's gate portal itself is probably a good day for creative stuff tho and pursuing hobbies, manifesting them into your long term reality, etc- but ofc!!! like i always say!!! It Depends 🥳🥳🥳🥳 so what house u have leo in, what leo placements u have, what aspects u have, what leo degrees u have (even though swamp ass reddit mods wanna tell you that shit doesn't mean nothin), etc Like 😭😭😭
unfortunately i can't boil it down super easily BUT i hope u learned what the lion's gate portal and sirius are actually doing :)))))
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im gonna go chill now and probably watch andrew huberman's podcast with david goggins while i edit or something- or totally ditch the braincell that wants to learn and instead watch markiplier play among us or uno for the 500th time- BUT!!!
ill leave u with links to newsletters ive written n other cool stuff for u to read and the titles of those things for the ppl on tiktok who aren't allowed to have clickable links bc tiktok said so ☹️
more fun stuff!!:
The Water Houses & Their Relations (Part 1) - newsletter by me 🥳 (focuses mainly on the 4th house 🫡)
The Moon vs Neptune - newsletter by me 🥳 (i explain why i swap the rulerships all the time 🫡)
Sirius (wikipedia page)
Sopdet/Sothis (wikipedia page)
twisted astrology discord server!
im still kinda working on the discord but i figure there's only so much i can do with nobody in it, so join it and we'll figure it out together!!! i also can't guarantee ill be super active but ill do my best!!! especially if u send questions n stuff 🥳🥳
ok that's abt it- see ya 🫡
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cuckchair · 5 months ago
i'm NOT putting this on my astro substack that i have irl people following. so it's going here. yeehaw
i've been reading more evolutionary astrology books lately and the timing is......................... interesting wrt experiencing black moon lilith transits -> uranus/asc transits. it was triggered in july (lilith's ingress into my libra 8th house: a queer healing gathering) then became fully operational following the august aquarius full moon (conjunct my natal uranus in 12th: seeing my abuser again).
black moon lilith in my chart is clearly a trauma signature. considering the mythological/cultural context of lilith being a figure outcasted, demonized for being sexually liberated (and other goddesses that demetra george associates bml with like persephone), the fact that she's in my 8th house, and that the last lilith eclipse activated her again—it becomes fairly obvious, to me anyway, what she is. lilith in my chart represents the shadow of shame. and other astrologers would likely be kinder about how she operates in my chart, but when i see where she's placed and how she's placed it's clear to me that sexuality = taboo = shame = secrets = trauma = death/rebirth. a libra 8th house ruled by venus in my 3rd, co-present with saturn. the foundations of these secrets inform the structure of my consciousness, my values, my relational dynamics. (how terribly profound. how terribly awful).
the other day when the sun was conjunct my natal lilith, i ended up spending the day with a friend and we had a huge debrief/vent session about the ways that scars from CSA—particularly incest CSA—completely warp, damage, eviscerate your fucking world sometimes. it takes a really, really fucking long time to come to terms with things. and just when you think you're over it—you've processed it—you'll uncover something new. you discover a new way that it affects you. and it feels like the wound opens up all over again.
never mind how your family may react. never mind the ways in which they may fail you, before and now.
there are not enough "helpers" in this world equipped to deal with our stories, because our experiences are apparently so god-awful that they have to dismiss us to protect themselves. the shame is not only within us for being victimized, but it's embedded within the systems that are supposed to help us: mental health services, inadequate. social services, inadequate. medical services, inadequate. and being forced to carry those systemic failures as a child?
even as an adult, who is that child—unfathomable. to imagine it happening to anyone else. i once went to counselling and she avoided discussing post-traumatic stress at all costs, despite the fact that i was suffering from dissociation at the time. there was a complete failure to engage with the totality of my life because it was "too much". anyone who should have seen what was happening, excluding my family—educators who are meant to detect these things, physicians who should be able to detect these things—not a single fuckin one could hold space or say a thing. that's insane.
as a helper confined within the parameters of these systems, trying to help other survivors—it gets triggering. it gets frustrating. to want to be able to use our experiences to help others process their own shit, but we can't even do that because we're bound by the colonial structures of systems we fuckin work within, too. by the time people get to us they've already experienced harm by these systems. by the time people get to us they don't want to re-engage with these systems because they're exhausted. disenchanted. profoundly hurt.
(it can be helpful to experience triggers in this sense, because it activates a kind of primal rage against institutional failures. and these are at the very least things that i can share with people who are trying to affect change, and it can be implemented within my own code of conduct as a helper. but still. holy fuck).
the ingress of planets into libra this year, as well as lilith's ingress into libra, corresponds in terms of timing and the initiation of hypersexuality. the difference between this phase and other phases i've been in lies in the fact that it's
1. been an opportunity to explore reclamation of sexual desire, which is something i couldn't do previously out of shame/fear/repression/repulsion and
2. the shame/repulsion/compulsive part of the hypersexuality is less operational (meaning i haven't been quiet about what i'm experiencing: i'm not downplaying the ways in which my history have involvement with current exploration and processing, but i'm also accepting that i am allowed to express facets of my sexuality, given that it's a safe space for everyone involved).
there's still elements of this where i'm like... embarrassed, i think. i'm saying, feeling, portraying some really sexual things online. which is normalized, i think, especially in fandom spaces (and obviously encouraged in the current fandom space i'm occupying), but it isn't always something i've been comfortable to do.
i joke about the ways that i cope through a certain character—a persephone-like archetype himself—but when it really comes down to it, i suppose it isn't that funny how much i relate to him. it's too meaningful to be a joke. i love him, unfortunately, because i see myself in him, and it's easier to love a character than love myself. you already know what it is.
there's also the fact that i'm being open with my friends about the ways that this phase is affecting and changing me (because thank god, i have friends who are trauma-informed/can hold space for me even when i'm stuttering and struggling to convey some of the worse things). there's still a part of me suspended in disbelief that i am letting anyone see this unfold as it's happening, because it feels as though the worst parts of me are spilling out.
it's still a relief, though. to spill out. rejection sensitivity is a nightmare always, but to have the "worst" parts of myself seen and tolerated... that is a win, for me.
i think the spilling out is where uranus comes in. mark jones writes about the role that archetypal uranus plays in trauma—something i would have *never* clocked on my own, as so much of modern astrology is inundated with uranus as a revolutionary, a change-maker, a disruptor. he points out that uranus corresponds with subtle mental/memory body, and the deeper state of unconscious that can be "brought towards conscious awareness through the attention and focus of the individual as part of the process of individuation". uranus hit my natal jupiter/asc in july, which is when i was at a healing gathering where i unintentionally released a LOT of shame around things like Having a body. Being seen. (it's funny what being in safe spaces/community can like, do for you). Attraction to other people. The potential of being desired and feeling safe about being desired. he writes, "we are not alone, and although that idea may be quite hard to connect with under duress, we are all held by this larger field...this insight forms the basis of the recovery from trauma through a holding environment." and that's what that gathering facilitated, i think. a holding environment for some of my worst fears to be gently held.
and uranus is transiting my 3rd house of cognition, communication. close friends, extended relatives. my neighbourhood. social media. so these are the people and places and spaces where the holding environment to process the shame within the body (ASC) exists.
not all of the shame can be released obviously, because that would be miraculous. as part of the retrograde uranus will be transiting jupiter/asc between oct 27th -> nov 6th, and then once again next april (which, btw, so many meaningful transits, especially final hitting retrograde transits, are happening in my chart in april 2025. cannot fathom what this could possibly mean).
so clearly there are going to be other facets/dimensions to self that will be realized, especially when i experience the exact lilith return around late december.
anyway. i'm also thinking about how the plutonic symbolism in my chart references a need to talk, profess, in public spaces. like a sagittarian archetype. it's actually embarrassing how the true compulsive part of this process is the need to tell anyone. i suppose that's what happens when you spend a better part of your life holding onto pain.
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candeathbereal · 2 years ago
Just a quick thing about music artist and astrology
I don't know if it is just a me thing but I have noticed that most artist that I relate to or even really vibe with musically tend to share some kind of astrology aspect or placement as me. For example: I listen to Mariah Carey a good amount and at first I didn't think much of it. I decided to look up her chart cause why not? She is an aries sun and venus with her venus being in retrograde and she has a sag mars. idk if you caught on but I also have these placements. I was like wow what a interesting coincdence.
It wasn't until I came across a post that said something along the lines of "If you want to find an artist you'll relate to look for an music artist with the same moon sign as you" and there was porbably other stuff said in that but its whatever. Anyways I decided to go through the artist I tended to listen to the most and this is what I have found so far.
Artist that I either share a placement or aspect with roughly
Kali Uchis: Has their sun trine their pluto
Ariana Grande: She has Venus trine ascendant like me. She also has her Pluto trine her lilith and while I don't have the trine aspect. I do have my Pluto sextile lilith in my chart. Her venus is apprently in the 9th house as well. Oh and in sidereal her moon is in Virgo which same. I'm a virgo moon no matter what it worries me sometimes...
Selena (honestly I don't think astrology has anything to do with my love for her but let's proceed): Venus trine Ascendant, Mars trine Pluto (i have a conjunction but oof bruh I don't care. I could only hope to be nearly as iconic as her). Pluto-Lilith aspect (hers is a conjunction and mine is a sextile so idk if I really count this one or not). Pluto sextile Ascendant where I have a Pluto trine Ascendant.
Nicki Minaj (mixed feelings on this): Get ready for this...
HOW DO ME AND HER BOTH HAVE A VIRGO MOON WITH A FIRE SUN SIGN. Honestly I did a synastry chart when I found her chart and bruh...HOW DO WE GOT 99% COMPATABLITY!? The one percent is only because realistically speaking 100% is never guarenteed when it comes to me and people. Now I will not be commenting on her as a person because oof dude. All I will say is that there is no doubt her music has impacted who I am as a person. Idk how but it has. I'm telling you I will listen to just her parts in a song just for nostalgic purposes. Anyways she also has Mercury conjunct Venus (not that important really), Moon-Mars (hers is a trine while mine is a square), Mars-Pluto (hers is a square while mine is conjunct), and she has both her venus and mercury squaring her moon while mine is an opposition. I think that last one is mostly because I have very early degrees on my mercury and venus in Aries. Moving on tho
Finally there is doja cat: Now she and I both have sag mars and virgo moons which is fun because then in sidereal we still have matching mars and moon so oof bruh. That should be enough for this portion of the post...
Final thing before I go...
I have a lilith in aquarius and idk but I really love cancer lilith people. The only way I can explain it is really just that because of my 12th house in cancer and/or my north node in cancer I have this interesting love-hate with cancer placements. I say this more along the lines of I will have one of two reactions. I will see them as basically family it doesnt matter how long I have know them for they are now my a part of my family. Or I want to fuck them. It's interesting because based on their other placemetns it can influence the feelings. Like if it is a cancer sun, sag moon combo they are basically like a little brother to me even if they are older than me. Or say it's a person with a cancer lilith I become a thirsty bitch but it's way too intense and I don't wanna scare them off too soon. I figured I would just include that for funsies. I’ll probably talk about it in another post one day idk though.
Thank you and I would love to know you guy's thoughts on this.
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meatriarchived · 1 year ago
get to the know the mun!
Daily Quote: [ internally tv static overlaying my inner voice going ] "fuck. fuck? fuck. fuck! fuck fuck fuCK FUCKING GODDA-"
ALIAS / NAME: renee! c:
BIRTHDAY: january 10th.
ZODIAC: sun in capricorn, moon in capricorn, rising in aquarius. (chart.)
HEIGHT: 5'1. :') i'll maul ur kneecaps.
HOBBIES: writing, listening to music, watching crime adjacent shows, horror/slasher stuff, uhm, creating way too many characters, using music to daydream scenes throughout the day c; and fist fighting my brain either for headaches or writers block rotting me from the inside out.
FAV. COLOR: green! specifically sage, forest, & viridian. but also blue, black., rust.
FAV. BOOK: rebecca by daphne du maurier. ( think i got a thing for characters haunting the narrative who are dead from the get-go huh- fsnbjdfksdb )
LAST SONG: maria by blondie (i simply have to listen to it a handful of times a day fsbdhk)
LAST MOVIE / SHOW: rewatch of the remakes / scream. i rarely watch either nowadays tho.
RECENT READ: i dont really read books much anymore, so does reading ya'll novel replies count? :))
INSPIRATION: other horror/slasher content, gifsets of peoples mannerisms / facial expressions, p.interest, picking out things w/ symbolism and attributing certain parts of said symbol to a character, things like that. otherwise, my writing is very throw shit at the wall, let it get messy, let it be violent, and we call it a day-
STORY BEHIND URL: " Meatriarch " is a lil' dedication to our mom Luda c: its nothing groundbreaking in thought process. Literally wanted something to do with her being the hewitt Matriarch, and their c.annibals so Meat. Typed them down like [ Meat Matriarch ] and just combined from there uwu im so big brained omg
Tagged by: yoinked from the dash. uwu Tagging: yoink from me its gucci do it.
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